€72.610 of €75.000
Time is the greatest enemy for children with a muscle disease, as their muscles slowly deteriorate over time. To buy them more time, windsurfer Bob van de Burgt is surfing directly against the time zone, to England and back.
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Link goes directly to the donation page of Dutch Charity ‘Spieren voor Spieren’, which translates into Muscles for Muscles. The name symbolises healthy muscles taking action for sick muscles.
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The challenge
An epic windsurfing journey from the Netherlands to Lowestoft —and back, non-stop. Straight through the time zone.
This month, professional windsurfer Bob van de Burgt (22) is taking on the challenge of windsurfing from Scheveningen to Lowestoft and back within a single day. Non-stop, without breaks. He and his team aim to raise as much money as possible for the ‘Spieren voor Spieren’ (Muscles for Muscles) foundation.
It’s an extreme route of nearly 400 kilometers across the North Sea—one of the roughest seas in the world. The journey crosses through the time zone, navigating between large shipping traffic and waves that can easily reach heights of 3 meters. With an estimated duration of around 13 hours without breaks or other ‘complications,’ it will be a race against daylight.
Since the crossing can’t be made on just any random day, we are working with a so-called ‘wind window.’ The wind window is open from August 12th to September 12th. This means the crossing will take place on the first day within this period that presents the right conditions (it can be any day of the week and is not limited to weekends).

The cause
Taking action for ‘Muscles for Muscles’, for children like Lucas.

Spieren voor Spieren (Muscles for Muscles) aims to defeat all muscle diseases which children are fighting. Revenues from fundraising activities are quickly and effectively used to accelerate diagnosis and treatments for children with muscle diseases. Under the motto “Healthy muscles work for sick muscles,” many (former) top athletes support the foundation’s goals.
About Lucas
Lucas (10) has the progressive muscle disease Duchenne. This means that his muscles are gradually becoming weaker and will eventually stop functioning altogether. As long as there is no treatment or cure, time is slowly running out for Lucas’s muscles. Or as his mother, Debby, puts it: “As time moves forward, Lucas keeps falling further behind.” It’s a race against time.

Money is time
Every pound, every minute, every muscle counts. Once a muscle is lost, it can never be regained. That’s why faster research and quicker treatment for children with muscle diseases are crucial.
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